A good way to exploit stories is to insert ads, in the form of photos or short -second videos. From stories it is also possible to move users directly to the company website via Swipe Up. Stories can be used for a variety of marketing objectives, such as increasing sales or awareness. Create contests Another method to generate ROI on Instagram is by creating contests. Contests also allow you to increase engagement, through the use of dedicated hashtags that users can use in their posts and stories. We can think, for example, of those brands that organize charitable initiatives, create a specific hashtag and encourage users to share it in favor of a cause.
It is also a great way to have UGC User Generated Content , content generated by users with the product or brand. You can also organize giveaways, which consist of giving one of your products or services to a limited number of users who will be randomly selected if seo expater bangladesh ltd they share the content you propose. An example if your company produces footwear, you could post a photo of a pair of shoes and encourage users to share it with a hashtag. Among the users who have shared it, you will then draw the winners, who will have their pair of shoes delivered to their home as a gift.

Another method is to encourage users to tag a friend under your post, and make the same selection. Simple methods to expand your audience and always intercept new potential customers. Instagram-roi-quote-mari Return to index Methods and metrics to calculate ROI from Instagram In the previous paragraph we saw what the main methods are for generating ROI through the strategic use of Instagram. In the next paragraphs we will explain the methods for calculating ROI, to understand if your actions have had an effect.