For advanced users, Douyin almost fulfills their basic needs in daily life: when they are bored, they use Douyin to watch short videos. When they see interesting videos, they can either @TikTok friends in the comment area or forward them directly to their Douyin friends’ chats. Interface; when you see a video of a food store on Douyin, you can also directly invite friends to go with you on Douyin.
When checking out, use the coupon purchased on Douyin to pay; family members often shoot Indonesia Phone Number videos of their own lives and publish them for them of video likes endorsed a new social etiquette… From daily pastimes and social chats to payment behaviors and family relationships, Douyin is working its magic, and local life entrepreneurs are gaining new business opportunities.
A new group of people: New City Returners When I returned home during the Spring Festival, I also found that a large number of entrepreneurs had backgrounds in Internet companies. They gave up job opportunities in China's first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen and returned to rural areas to start their own businesses. They are different from entrepreneurs who have been living locally and have been passively changed by the Internet wave. The simplest difference is their way of thinking. Xiao Dichang once worked for an Internet company in Shenzhen, Guangdong, chasing the Internet wave, and then resolutely returned to his hometown of Gannan, Jiangxi, to engage in the navel orange business.