Content farms select and create content topics based on user search data. It contains a lot of low-quality content because the goal is to rank high in search engines rather than providing fact-based, accurate content. As a result, users are increasingly exposed to sites and content that are not useful to them. Ultimately, this led to a vicious cycle that lowered Google's credibility for users and caused them to abandon the Google search engine. Content Farm Example - Hedley Digital Content Farm Example 1.2 What is the Panda Algorithm? Google Panda Algorithm - Headley Digital Google PANDA Algorithm Google launched the Panda algorithm in February 2011 to improve the satisfaction of users' search experience. The Panda algorithm is a representative anti-spam algorithm whose main goal is to identify low-quality content. The Panda algorithm aims to prevent low-quality sites rather than providing results tailored to the user's search intent.
The principle is that if low-quality sites are deleted or lowered in the rankings, high-quality sites will naturally rise Cambodia Phone Number Data in the rankings. This can also be considered in connection with Google's goals . Google's goal is to provide people with the most relevant answers to the keywords they search for as quickly as possible. To achieve this, the Panda algorithm raises high-quality sites that are helpful to users in the search rankings and lowers low-quality sites in the search rankings. Google's search rankings changed through the Panda algorithm, and this process gave content creators an opportunity to think about how to produce high-quality content. Wait a minute here, why is the name of the algorithm Panda? According to the interview, it was named after Google engineer Navneet Panda. When the update was first released, it was called the Farmer update instead of the Panda name. Google Search Algorithm - the Panda algorithm in Google's algorithm? It's not like that. The Panda algorithm is one of the main algorithms that make up the Google search engine.

In addition to panda, search algorithms include penguin and hummingbird, and Google has been working to improve users' search environment through algorithm development. 2. Panda algorithm influence and how it works 2.1 Panda algorithm influence As mentioned earlier, the main core of the Panda algorithm is an algorithm that excludes low-quality content from search results. This algorithm also had a great influence on Google's search results. After launch, 11.8% of all search results in English-speaking countries were said to have been affected. Before launching the Korean version, estimates showed that it was expected to affect approximately 4.8% of Korean search results. Compared to this, the fact that 11.8% of English-speaking queries were influenced by the algorithm can be understood as a very big change. Since January 2016, the Panda algorithm has been included in Google's core algorithms. More than 10 years have passed since Google announced the Panda algorithm, but Panda is one of the core algorithms and still has a significant impact on Google SEO.