A minimum of of Twitter users have a college degree while only report having a high school diploma. These are important statistics, if you know your audience . . And while were on the subject of Twitter, its the channel to reach Millennials . Because, when it comes to Twitter, the tools largest age group among users belongs to Millennials, with the younger Generation Z following closely behind them.
Give them a few years, and theyll probably outgrow their bigger siblings. . People Job Function Email List love to share, share, share, share, share, share, share, share, SHARE! If you dont have one-click sharing and messaging enabled, youre missing out on a big problem. Messenger and the WhatsApp handle billion messages per day . billion messages per day. Thats almost messages for every person in the world. You desperately need social sharing buttons.

User behavior statistics One of the first steps to better social media marketing is knowing your audience. Who are they, what are they interested in and where do they socialize online? Statistics show the way. user behavior statistics . Millennials are the most active social media users, but dont count Gen X or even Baby Boomers. Yes, we said baby boomers . In , an amount of . of millennials of Generation.