landing page with and one without credit card information. Then you notice that the site that doesn't require credit card information gets twice, maybe even three times as many new users. Now you're thinking: "Excellent! That would settle the matter.” Then you delete the thing with entering the credit card information and think that everything is scratched. You put even more money into advertising to attract even more users! But this can be dangerous because you have misinterpreted the data. This is not how the KPIs should be interpreted. You take a look at your data again four weeks later because the first demo versions have already expired.
Notice that only % of users purchased the full version. But it's too late because you've already deleted the other landing page. The users who didn't have to enter their credit card information didn't purchase the full version. Then you philippines photo editor notice that almost all of the users who had to enter their credit card information purchased the product after the trial period ended. KPIs are all about quality, not quantity. It's about more sales for your company. An A/B test can quickly become a trap, especially for small companies, because they misinterpret the data and then make wrong decisions. An A/B test makes sense.

Only if you measure the right metrics. How do you correctly interpret KPIs to make good marketing decisions? Now all you have to do is use the data you obtained sensibly. Tip #: Create a KPI dashboard in Google Analytics . Key performance indicators are great when you have them at a glance. But how do you use them to make better decisions? By making it the central point of your data collection and analysis. They must be an integral part of your strategy in order to have an impact on the growth of your company and company development. The best way to do this is to create s. You can find this under “Customization” and “Dashboards”. pasted image.