Just on March , the hashtag was used on social networks to denote a feeling after a boo suffered by the candidate, or to use it as a response to who was responsible for the gasoline bombing. However, it is a fact that it is still the strongest hashtag of the three main contenders, with more than thousand mentions, which is equivalent to of the total campaign hashtags of the candidates. This shows the double face of the hashtag, on the one hand, and on the other, that very well-founded strategies are needed.
To always be able to turn it around even though they momentarily seem to turn against us. Despite the double side of the hashtag , it will continue to be a vital key piece in the use of Twitter during electoral campaigns. The hashtag JuntosHaremosHistoria, created for AMLO's Digital Marketing Service campaign and for other Morena candidates, has had positive sentiment, compared to negative sentiment . It is behind Meade's hashtag, although in recent days it has been resonating more for Rutilio Escandón's project.

Chiapas than for AMLO's campaign itself. Ricardo Anaya's hashtag, PorUnMéxicoAlFrente, has only had positive mentions and negative mentions, with a lower volume than the other two candidates. Why is this happening? One theory is that the smaller, more direct, and the less confusing hashtags work better, especially if they are easily remembered, which might not be working well with Anaya's. Thus, the use of the hashtag is important and necessary, but is needed to move it forward, to position it and then to maintain positive use of it.