Purchase of other related products
Its function is to provide feedback on the event/raffle/initiative , giving users the opportunity to give their opinion, while congratulating them for their attendance and attention. Thank you for first purchase: when a user makes their first purchase and becomes your customer. The objective of these emails is forever and ever loyalty , suggesting the(two birds with one stone hehe). We want to transmit the union between the user and the brand.Extra thanks: this email is sent after any of the actions mentioned. The aim is to compensate the user or customer through a discount, promotion or valuable content to reward their loyalty. Benefits of sending a thank you email to your clients Although Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Email List the objective is to build user loyalty and care , thank you emails have many more benefits that can help your campaigns. Generate a positive impact: When the user sees that you thank them for their role, they will feel special and cared for by the brand.
No one will mind if you have a gesture of cordiality. Good two-way relationship with your customers: The act of thanking an action humanizes your brand, since it is a human act with which customers feel valued. Brand reputation: Not all brands resort to these marketing techniques, so having this detail will help you improve your reputation. Recover users: A small reminder or push to those clients who have not been so active , to thank them for the time they have been with you, is a kind of reminder so that they remember you.