That contradictory final decisions pronounced
Ato the High Court of Cassation and Justice is represented by Mrs. Prosecutor Antonia Constantin. Assistant magistrate Elena Adriana Stamatescu appointed in accordance with the provisions of art. of the Regulation on the organization and administrative functioning of the High Court of Cassation and Justice republished with subsequent amendments and additions. High Court of Cassation and Justice The panel competent to judge the appeal in the interest of the law examined the appeal in the interest of the law declared by the.Management Board of the Braov Court of Appeal regarding the interpretation and application Country Email List of the provisions of art. of the Code of Civil Procedure the solution of the court of judicial review in the event that the party exercises a wrong appeal different from the one correctly mentioned in the operative part of the contested decision. The assistant magistrate refers to the object of the appeal in the interest of the law as well as to the factby the courts were submitted to the file that judgerapporteurs were appointed according to the provisions of art. para. of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Judge Mihaela Paraschiv from the First Civil Section of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and Lucia Paulina Brehar from the Second Civil Section of the High Court of Cassation and Justice as well as Mr. Judge Decebal Constantin Vlad from the Administrative and Fiscal Litigation Section of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and that the report drawn up by the judgerapporteurs was submitted as well as the point of view of the general prosecutor. Judge Iulia Cristina Tarcea president of the High Court of Cassation and Justice gives the floor to prosecutor Antonia Constantin on the appeal in the interest of the law.